Frequently asked questions
Our Top Questions:
How can I tell if a product is in stock?
It’s quick and easy; just search for the product and check its page. If the 'add to basket' button is working and clickable, the product is in stock. This is updated in real time, as our stock fluctuates.
I am missing an item from my order. What should I do?
We are really sorry that your order wasn’t entirely fulfilled. The main reasons for missing items are:
- Your order may have been split and the second parcel is on its way to you
- Stock may not be available at this time, but will be sent as soon as it is back in
Please email us at moc/luosainrofilaceht//ofni to enquire about why you may be missing your item(s).
Can I change or cancel my order?
We aim to dispatch your order as soon as possible, therefore we are unable to make any changes to it after it has been placed.
We are also unable to offer refunds. If the item is damaged, faulty or incorrect however, a replacement or refund will be issued. More information can be found under 'My item is damaged, faulty or incorrect. What should I do?'.
My item is damaged, faulty or incorrect. What should I do?
We are truly sorry that this has happened. We offer replacements or full refunds for damaged, faulty or incorrect items.
Please email us at moc/luosainrofilaceht//ofni with your reasons for wanting a refund/replacement, whether you’d like the item refunded or replaced and an attached image of the product you received.
Question still not answered?
Email us at or message us on Instagram @southcoast.printpros with your query and we'll get back to you asap!